Thursday, July 14, 2011


My friend Greg is a world class author, with a very checkered past...
the stuff movies are made of! look him up!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Aidan Jack

The Seegers are dear my family.
Their house is our is our home in NYC.
Aidan, Sienna, Bobby & I went sledding when the City was at a stand still during last December's white out. I love that little boy.
Aidan has ALD, I don't know what that is, but I am learning, & I know it is serious enough to require bone marrow.
Bobby can be a scary dude, but this has brought him to his knees.
It breaks my heart to know how E. & Bobby are hurting.
Let's keep them in our hearts, minds, pray, contribute or express yourself the way you know how.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Michael Lichter has put on the finest art shows in Sturgis for years.
I hope I can help him live up the previous successes.
I will bring a good cross section of the art I made over the years, the majority of my motorcycle collection, and some of my favorite bikes built by others.
I have been stubborn, & chosen bikes that may not win beauty contests, but have influenced me.
I will be working on my T.E. Lawerence/Brough Superior SS100 sculpture to pass the time & demonstrate my process.
Please stop buy & say hello.
Cheers, jeff